Všechny barvy jezevčíku a vzory vysvětlené s neuvěřitelnými fotografiemi
, věc, která se mi líbí největší o plemeni psích psích jezevčíků, kromě jejich dlouhých nohou a krátkých těl je jejich široká škála barev jezevčíků. Nejedná se však o „přitažlivost typu„ Jsem v nich jako s nimi pro jejich roztomilost “. Dovolte mi vysvětlit proč.
Ve svém posledním článku o blogu o zajímavých informacích jezevčíku jsem hovořil o některých nepříznivých hodnoceních, které dostali v programu první světové války. Byli transformováni v americkém klubu chovatelské stanice (AKC), aby přinesli svůj obrázek zpět povést se.
Primárním důvodem, proč byli schopni znovu získat svou slávu v minulosti, jsou jejich přirozené vlastnosti, které lákají majitele domácích zvířat, jako jsou jejich rozmanité odstíny.
To znamená uvádět 15 odstínů, které mají, a jejich různé kombinace nejsou jen vizuálně přitažlivé, ale jsou však také historicky důležité pro současný stav plemene.
Barevné barvy
Pokud uvažujete o objevení podrobností o tom, o jakých barvách mluvím, pokračujte ve čtení tohoto článku. Také jsem zahrnul všechny jejich barevné vzory, které jsou podobně zajímavé!
Jaké jsou nejtypičtější barvy jezevčíků a vzory podle různých klubů chovatelských stanic?
Obecně se uznává, že existuje 15 barev jezevčíka, které se skládají z černé i krému, kromě černé, tan -blue, krémové modré, také opálené čokolády, krémové čokolády, opálené krémy, plavá, plavá, plavá, plavena, Stejně jako krémová plavá, stejně jako opálení, pšenice, čokoláda z červeného divokého rady a kolouch.
Tyto odstíny jsou zobrazeny v šesti vzorcích, mezi něž patří kromě Brindle Dapple Brindle, Dapple Piebald, Brindle. dvojnásobně Dapple.
Tato část projde výše uvedené barvy, které jsem uznal americký klub Kennel Club (AKC), Kanadským klubem chovatelské stanice (CKC), United Kennel Club (UKC) a Federací Cynologique Internationale (FCI).
Je důležité si uvědomit, že názvy barev se mohou lišit, přesto jsou stále podobným stínem.
Jednobarevný popis jezevčíků kromě fotografií
Jednobarevné jezevčíky jsou přesně to, co mají hluk. Na kabátech nemají značky a jejich přirozená barva je sametová i bohatá.
Zde je šest variant:
Krémový jezevčík
Ze všech krémů jezevčíků jsou považovány za nejatraktivnější. Vypadají více jemně než vrstevníci, protože vypadají jako králíci zajíčka.
Podobně jako u mnoha plemen psů může být barva extrémně lehká, aby se zajistilo, že se zdá být téměř bílá nebo poněkud tmavší nebo zlatá. Existují dva druhy:
Clear Cream Jedshund
Jasné krémové jezevčíky nemají v očích žádný typ černého odstínu. Jak je vidět na fotografii výše, všechny části jejich těla kromě jejich tváří neukazují žádný typ tmavých oblastí. To je od té doby, co se narodil s ředěním „chinchilla“.
Stínovaný krémový jezevčík
Stínovaný krémový jezevčík sport Sport Black Accents na jejich kabátech, protože nesou dominantní genetiku EE. Tento jev je nejčastěji vidět anglickým krémovým holčíkem a časem mizí.
Červený jezevčík
Červené jezevčíky bývají tmavě hnědé s rezavým odstínem. Jsou relativně typické, protože jeden duplikát z červeného dominantního genu může být jejich zdrojem. Chcete -li přidat k jejich obecnému vzhledu, sportují černé nehty i nosy.
Stejně jako krémy jsou k dispozici ve dvou odrůdách:
Solidní červená jezevčík
Tento červený jezevčík nemá na kabátu značky bílých nebo černých odstínů.
Stínovaný červená jezevčík
Stínované červené jezevčík sport na černé překrytí na zádech, uši i ocas. Neměli by být zaměňováni se Sables, protože jsou naprosto odlišní.
Wheaten jezevčík
Wheaten Dachshunds are extremely rare. Jejich barevné odrůdy z bílých odstínů a světle zlatohnědé nebo jen odstín pšenice.
The coat color originally was only seen on Dachshunds with hairy fur. Druhy propojení kabátu můžeme nyní objevovat pšeničné doxies, které jsou měkké nebo dlouhosrsté.
Černý jezevčík
Černé pevné jezevčíky jsou podle AKC klasifikovány jako nestandardní, protože je obtížné je najít. Někdy jsou objeveny v vrhu, zejména ty, které jsou vytvářeny v štěňátcích mlýny od špatných chovných metod.
In essence, they should have tan spots, nevertheless they are not able to do so because of recessive gene mutations that must have been determined by the breeder utilizing DNA tests.
Chocolate Dachshund
As with solid black Dachshunds as well as chocolate Dachshunds which don’t have any type of markings of tan or cream on their bodies as well as faces are likewise difficult to locate. I’m sure you’ve guessed that I was not able to publish a picture of one.
This color isn’t thought about to be basic by the AKC as well as therefore they’re not enabled to take part in conformity shows.
Fawn Dachshund
The fawn-colored coat is called isabella as well as can be seen on all Dachshund coats. Usually, it appears as a darkened chocolate tone however, some dogs appear yellowish brown.
Two-Colored Dachshunds description in addition to Pictures
It’s not simple to not be swept into the Dachshund like spell especially when they’re using two different colors on their coats. Below are the top acknowledged bi-colored Dachshund types:
Wild Boar Dachshund
As I was very first introduced to the concept of the coat color I was instantly enthralled. I’m utilized to hearing the most fundamental color ideas like chocolate, red as well as black. however never the wild boar.
The wild boar coat was named after its animal name since the resemblance to the animal is rather obvious. Dachshunds that wear this coat generally appear black as well as tan at far away, nevertheless when you get close, you’ll notice that they likewise have gold-colored highlights, which makes their coats distinct.
Oh, as well as one more thing! They only occur in smooth-haired as well as wire-haired Dachshunds.
Black in addition to cream Dachshund
The Dachshund in concern is a genuine visual delight. If you location each of the two colored Doxies in a row it will be the most prominent. Jaký je důvod?
Their coats integrate the lightest as well as darkest Dachshund colours that are black as well as cream. The cream areas are visible in their eyes, on their muzzles along their chests as well as feet, as well as beneath their tails. In contrast, their noses, eyes as well as nails are still black.
Black in addition to Tan Dachshund
The dog you see in the photo above isn’t the typical Doberman! It’s really the black as well as tan Dachshund.
Doxies sporting their black-tan coloring is all black with tan accents above their eyes, on their muzzles in addition to on their feet as well as their chests, in addition to around their necks as well as feet. In essence, their highlights of tan are close to the cream.
Because this color is recessive If two Dachshunds that are black as well as tan are crossed as well as bred together, there’s a higher possibility of having one litter of the exact same color.
Check out this video to see the action of these guys:
Benji boy The Doxie Miniature, long-haired Dachshund puppy
Grey as well as Blue Dachshund
Blue or cream Dachshunds are not as appealing as cream as well as black ones, however they look almost identical, especially when the base coat is of a darker blue shade.
However, before I get into this, I’d like to be remove that I’m not speaking about blue hue in the sky. The coat of blue Dachshunds like other breeds of dogs, is extremely close to gray. Particularly, it’s dark blue with a gunmetal tone.
The highlights of this dog can be seen in their muzzles, above them, around their chests as well as feet, in addition to on their tails.
Blue in addition to Tan Dachshund
This is a extremely unusual color combination, nevertheless one that is extremely preferred by Dachshund admirers. The coat base of this dog is dark metallic gray. the points are brown. The setting of the points are the exact same as those of the cream as well as blue Doxies.
On very first sight, you’ll believe this dog as an emerald Doberman since of their similarity. extremely deceiving to the untrained eye.
Chocolate in addition to cream Dachshund
Do you not want to keep this gorgeous Dachshund? Yes I definitely do. This is mainly because of the coat color combinations.
Their hairs’ base is primarily an intense chocolate shade that covers their ears, foreheads in addition to their back as well as tail. However, this color is complemented by specific cream points that can variety from a golden blonde to an off-white. It’s truly cool!
Chocolate in addition to Tan Dachshund
The chocolate-tan dad can be one more breed that is two-colored as well as will take your heart with just one glance. I understand I noise soft, however take a take a look at Doxie in the above photo.
The dark chocolate covering of the Dachshund breed is a fantastic match for their dark tan tips. They don’t have any type of black pigment likewise therefore their noses, eyes as well as nails vary from lighter brown or brown.
Fawn (Isabella) as well as cream Dachshund
Fawn as well as cream Dachshunds will not have a dark chocolate tone in them, in spite of the declares of some breeders to claim. Their main hair shade, abella as well as is a washed out chocolate shade, while their cream areas might be off-white or golden.
Certain pet owners insurance claim that their pets appear like Weimaraners with points of cream as well as I’m with them 100%.
Fawn (Isabella) in addition to Tan Dachshund
The last , however definitely not the least Dachshund colour combination is the combination of tan as well as fawn.
The coat’s main color is diluted chocolate, isabella or fawn. its markings are deep brown. Many people confuse this type of chocolate because of the truth where the intensity of the dark tan hues are like the shade isabella.
What are the different Dachshund Breeds?
If you’re believing it’s about time to close this tab since we’re done with all Dachshund shades, provide me an chance to modification your decision.
In this article I’ll present to you six gorgeous color patterns you can choose from to own your extremely own Doxie.
Brindle Dachshund
Brindle Dachshunds are truly distinctive. Their coats are light colored (usually either red or tan) as well as they screen unique patterns on their coats that can be compared with stripes of tigers.
These streaks alternating between blue, black, liver gray, or even isabella (fawn).
Dapple Dachshund
The dog that is in the photo above is a tan as well as blue Dapple Dachshund. As you can see, there are dark-colored areas on the coat, which is washed out in blue.
These random patches are linked to the gene merle, which is the reason why this pattern is thought about to be problematic. We’ll provide more info regarding this when we talk about the relation to coat colors as well as condition of Dachshunds.
Sable Dachshund
Sable Dachshunds appear dark, even though their coats are really light because of their hairs with black tips. Certain Doxies are sable. Doxies likewise appear to wear black masks covering their faces since of the amount of the black tips.
Brindle Piebald Dachshund
Brindle Piebald Dachshunds have been classified in the AKC however they are nonetheless liked by a great deal of Dachshund enthusiasts since they are like a one-of-a-kind.
This is a characteristic that occurs naturally whenever a brindle Dachshund crossbred with a puppy bring the gene for piebald. Their coat is dark-colored with patches over a white base. other areas have deep dark streaks.
Double Dapple Dachshund
I’m sure you’re impressed by the pattern of color on this dog, however believe me when I state that you would not desire to own a double Dapple Dachshund.
The color is acquired by breeding two merle dogs that can lead to a myriad of health and wellness problems. They may be awestruck by your dog’s affectionate companions with their unique white coloring nevertheless they will make you feel stressed by the requirement for routine medical health and wellness checks.
Piebald Dachshund
The dog above is an picture of a cream piebald Dachshund. The dark areas randomly scattered on their coat are triggered by recessive genes.
What are hidden Dachshunds with Dapple?
Hidden dapple Dachshunds are breeds of dog that have unique dapple spots, or marks lighten as they age. This is why they can be misinterpreted as normal-colored puppies as well as are inadvertently crossed with one more dapple breed by unreliable breeders.
Combining two dapples produces double dapples which are looked at by many since of the plethora of illnesses that go together with these dapples. It is suggested that trainees go through DNA testing to ensure that hidden dapples may be discovered.
What is the most rabid Dachshund Colour?
The most sought-after colors for Dachshunds are the ones that are solid. They’re unusual as well as they’re not permitted to be part of conformation shows organized by the top kennel clubs.
I’ve listed them below by rareness: the very first is the most difficult to find.
Černý jezevčík
Chocolate Dachshund
Fawn Dachshund
Since these colors are uncommon as well as rare, they’re a bit more costly than other colors. This is fine when you bought your puppy from an accountable breeder.
What is the most typical color of Dachshund?
The below colors are the most often seen shades of the breed of Dachshund. These are the very best options for those on a tight budget, however you dream of having the Dachshund.
Červený jezevčík
Krémový jezevčík
Tan as well as black Dachshund
Cream as well as black Dachshund
Chocolate as well as the tan Dachshund
Blue as well as Tan Dachshund
Fawn (isabella) as well as Tan Dachshund
Be conscious that the colors listed above aren’t arranged in a specific order.
Dachshund coat Genetics : Why do Dachshunds have a range of colors?
Color genetics for coats is an extensive as well as complex subject However, I’ll do my finest to make it understandable to ensure that non-scientific people like me will not be not able to focus on this aspect.
Dachshunds have two main pigments in their coats as well as they are understood as the phaeomelanin as well as eumelanin.
Eumelanin is black by default, whereas phaeomelanin appears red. Because of specific genes, these pigments create unique colors that are visible on the coat of the Dachshund.
You may already be conscious that all living things including dogs are composed of genes that are always in pairs.
For Dachshunds There is 10 gene sequences which are